Sunday, June 29, 2008

Plant of the Week

Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight'

'Limelight' is a hardy hydrangea which blooms on new wood. Which to the home gardener means guaranteed late summer blooms.

'Limelight' is hardy to Zone 3 (we are zone 5)and can grow 6-8' in height, with a spread of 4-5'. Full sun is required.

It is perfect grown in the landscape or in containers.

As the name suggest the blooms are a creamy limey white, on mature plants quite large and showy.

'Limelight' requires little care and is not bothered by disease or garden pests.

It does require a good pruning yearly to keep it's shape and tip pruning in the spring eliminates the need to stake these heavy beauties.

This week we offer 'Limelight' at a 10% discount, and have them available in 2 gallon containers.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Meghan on Sunday....waiting ....waiting....waiting

Meghan today...smiling...smiling...smiling!

We just got in 100 tadpoles and they are going fast.
In fact some are going so fast they have their hind legs already.

Meghan would love to catch them for you to take home to your backyard Water Garden.
$2.49 each or buy 6 for $1.99 each

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Spring Bounty

Strawberries Season began last week and we have been taking advantage!
Strawberries for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Vist Bixby Farms U-Pick for the best!

Tomato season really does not begin until late summer, but we have a "in" with a local farmer who grows them in a greenhouse in soil, not hydroponic. And these taste like the real thing! Vist "Corey Lake Farms" to get yours today!

Visit Green Wellies Garden Shoppe for new shipments of perennials! Be first and get the best selection.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Favorite Spring Water Plants

We hope that frost warnings are a thing of the past as we head into the month of June.
May 2008 was the coldest since 2002 nationwide and the coldest since 1988 here in Michigan.

Silver Lining.....most spring blooming plants, while blooming the later than usual have had incredible staying power.

The above photo shows 2 of my favorite Spring Bog Plants.

In the foreground Mimulus luteus , common name 'Monkey Flower'. A moisture loving plants the freely flowers most of the summer and self seeds with abundance. As 'Monkey Flower' matures the plant will reach out into your water garden taking up nitrites and helping to combat algae blooms.

In the background Myosotis palustris, 'Water Forget Me Not', a favorite of all who see it blooming at the edge of our pond. It like 'Monkey Flower' will self seed and if cut back after flowering will bloom again.

Two bog plants not to be without in your Water Garden.